What We do

Strengths-Based Capacity Building

We see the strengths and aspirations that communities and individuals have, as the starting place for our work.

We provide coaching, mentorship, and other technical assistance that deepens, expands, and builds on those assets in order to move forward with purpose and achieve a wide range of objectives.

We do this by designing and facilitating processes that [1] cultivate inner alignment -- that is, helping to rediscover, embrace, and activate inner knowing; and [2] elicit the wisdom that exists in the collective to drive sustainable solutions.

Strategic Visioning & Thought-Partnership

We partner with groups and organizations to collaboratively identify a shared purpose horizon and pathways to get there. At the same time, we support mindsets and practices of emergence and experimentation, that enable adaptation to the ever-changing landscape without losing sight of strategic direction.

Inspired by principles of human-centered design and design thinking, our approach utilizes creative technologies that integrate holistic thinking, to guide groups through a process of collective discovery, ideating, prototyping, and sense-making as a means to determine a clear, collective path forward.

We are committed to supporting individuals, groups, and organizations to see past false binaries and find a "third way."

Research & Evaluation: Surfacing Stories & Measuring Impact

We partner with individuals, groups and organizations to create cultures of evaluative thinking, and strengthen the capacity of communities to lead inquiries into issues that are meaningful to them.

We do this by [1] using creative, culturally-rooted, and participatory methodologies to surface diverse perspectives and ways of knowing, identify assumptions, lift up what may be missing, and pursue deeper understanding; and [2] nurturing the skills and reflective practices that already exist in communities to generate knowledge and create solutions.

Real wealth is not the possession of property but the recognition that our deepest need, as human beings, is to keep developing our natural and acquired powers to relate to other human beings.
— Grace Lee Boggs